Current S&P Communities
Great Britain
Historically S&P Communities
The synagogue belongs to an orthodox community, with men and women sitting separately.

Bendigamos is the youngest and fastest growing Jewish community in the Netherlands. A warm and welcoming community, which offers everyone the opportunity to fulfil her/his Jewish wishes. So far, we are offering bi-weekly synagogue services on Saturday morning, education for all ages, meals, activities, parties and even full weekends, and you can always come to us with all your Jewish questions. We got started only in June 2015, so if you miss something there is a good chance we will offer it later on.
Our services and activities attract several dozens of visitors every time, and with different backgrounds and nationalities, it’s a great place to meet new people.
Bendigamos is an independent organisation that aims to make Judaism more accessible and to make more Jews feel at home in the Jewish community. The Shabbat services at Bendigamos are orthodox-Jewish and according to the ancient Amsterdam-Portuguese rite and everyone is equally welcome, regardless of what you know about Judaism or how you practice it.
So join us – just like many others – for one of our activities and services and you will certainly feel at ease quickly. You are, of course, welcome to contact us by e-mail first if you wonder what you can expect or for other questions and remarks.